» [ Our goal ]

According to the motto overcome your own limits - for the belief in life - as pattern for all physical handicapped people we want to finish this race. We also want to show people who are living with a physical handicap what all is possible even if you are sitting in a wheelchair. We want to display physical handicapped people that their live is not ending only because they had an accident, illness or anything else which affect their every days life. Also we want to relieve the fear of contact of people who does not live with a handicap with handicapped people. Therefore the wheelchairclub RC-ENJO Vorarlberg want, again with the same six wheelchair drivers, take part at the "Race Across America 2006" and like to top the performances of the two preceding wheelchair tours across Austria in 2001 and 2003.

With the participation as the first ever wheelchair drivers on the hardest long-range race in the world we want also to show, what all you can moving with a lot of courage, a will of iron and fighting spirit even if you live with a physical handicap.

Through the experiences of the two wheelchair tours in 2001 and 2003 we are convinced, that the participation of our Club at the Race Across America 2006 will get an enormous feedback on all levels.